Monday 29 December 2014

Tuhan, aku cinta!

Aku berhenti mencari dan berusaha tidak ditemukan

Bagaimana keyakinan bukan lagi tentang agama
Melainkan sesyahdu namamu menjadi bait dalam tiap baris doaku

Bagaimana Ketuhanan bukan tentang sang pencipta
melainkan bagaimana harapanmu berisi  kisi-kisi tentangku

Mencintaimu dalam dimensi yang berbeda, tanpa rupa tapi sarat rasa
Sedemikian aku mencintai Tuhanku yang kasat mata

Cinta itu bukan hanya rasa tapi juga asa
Tuhan itu Esa bukan rasa yang bisa dibagi sama rata

Ketika ego logika ku terpojok pada asas keTuhananmu
Aku cinta padamu...

unbelievable us,


Friday 17 October 2014

Hey Super 17, we meet again!

Thanks God I am still breathing till now. Not only breathing but also I am still living in the best situation and condition. Thanks to give me a chance become Venny Yulinda, I am really grateful for all this life maze. I really proud of myself also. This is 24th year for my life. Hahaha finally, I am officially 24yo.

Thanks my parents, my mom and dad that always support and always give me a best part of my life. Never let me down. Thanks to teach me how to life, teach me everything that I never got in the school or never I found in my books. Teach how to rise after fall, teach how to breath in suffocate, teach how to run when others still busy to tie their shoestail up. Thanks for all the lesson. But them forget to teach me about give up. But hey ye both, ye teach me how to spend money and enjoy this life also. So, I grew up as money-spender. Lil bit terrible yah. But, this is yer half son and half daughter that always love and live for ye.

My silly-young-sister, hahaha thanks to share everything with me. When I realize I have something that I can't share to anyone else in this world.. I still have ye in the top of my list. Thanks to excuse all my stupidity, even I was born as elder, both of us known that I am not as mature as ye. Who cares! Don't forget I am waiting foe yer gift!! Haha.

Where am I? Now, I am lying in the bed on my dorm house, this is still Friday but I am not going to work because of birthday leave that Regus give to me. Busy to reply hundreds message from all the person who love me. Hahaha. Feels so blue known still many people that care about my birthday. They sent me text, Voice Note, Video, edited photo and make a call.. ahh they fulfill all my social network. Yeah, for now I am miles away from all that people, but their love and appreciate still reach me go through all this distance.

Why I so busy think of the person who never give a shit to cares me, if I have million friends that still love me no matter who I am. In my birthday, I realize that I still have many people that care about me. I will become the most stupid person if I still mending broken of my past. 
Forget about the past..

Yah, prayer and hope from them is so various. Majority, hope me to long live, prospered and the most important hope is I MEET A MATE AND MARRIED SOON. I conscious 24yo is a mature age to getting married, but hey what I already have to build a family? I still have nothing. But I just said 'Amien' for their hope for me, prayer is good, isn't it? Thanks for all my friends who still care and love me. I proud to have all of ye also.

My wish for myself:
1. God I just wanna be the person whom my parents proud of.
2. I hope I have a great improve on my career
3. I hope I could achieve whatever I want
4. STILL! I hope I could be a bliss for others around me

Last, lemme show off the gift from all my friends :*

From Pak Mugi, mantan Manager di PT ASJA
mimin and keceng
My Hot Mama, Nira
Gatau deh si Ambon mikir apaan, bisa2nya post yg ini
Mb Kriting sama entahlah itu bapak2 darimana
Paling Favo, dari om Ulit
Mb Ginuk niihh yg bikin
my beloved chair-mate on Elementary School, Ai
Paling sukak punya Nanda, fullcolor
Tyop, yers is no RIVAL!
poto2 lawas dari Nyamik
yg ngedoain makin cantik, Depe
Yg nungguin ampe jam 12, mb Lany
Yang kadonya on-time, kk Mayis
lek seng rusuh ngene, mesti wek'e Admet
the one and only, yg doanya paling panjang, my keceng :*

woohoo.. Too many yah,,
I really proud of them
See ye next year! Amien.


Thursday 2 October 2014

Ketika curcol senantiasa menjadi curmax!

Karena akhir2 ini lagi banyak temen yg curhat tipis2, gue jadi mikir se-hopeless itukah mereka sampe2 harus curhat sama gue. Bahahaha kek gue waras aja gitu diajakin curhat. Yah, at least I am a good listener lah. Curhatan mereka bermacam2, mulai dari kuliah yg ga kelar2, kerjaan, negara, beras naik, bbm naik, bbm ga bersubsidi, bbm kaga dibalas gebetan, digantungin mantan, susah move on (ini curhatan paling bangke, apa kabarnya gue?), masi sayang mantan dan makin kronis dan masih banyak yg lainnya. Itu terbukti dari keyakinan mereka curhat ke gue (yg sebenernya mungkin mereka jg kilav pada dasarnya).
Dari yg curhatnya tipis2 sampe akhirnya jadi konsultasi berkala.

Kalo masi masalah hidup, kuliah dan kerjaan, otak dan experience gue masi bisa lah mem-back-up curhatan mereka, gue masi bisa kasi kiat2 yg sedikit rada masuk akal, dan sedikitnya lagi masuk kuping kiri keluar kuping kanan. Tapi kalo udah masalah cinta2an, ampun boskukkkk.. mending lu cari orang lain ajah. Tapi gue paling demen dengerin curhatan cinta2an, kenapa? karena gue bisa dengan serta merta membully membabi-buta tanpa ampun tanpa takut kualat, mo kualat gimana lagi orang gue aja uda tragis gini :)))))))

Tapi yah, cuma suka lucu gitu denger curhatan2 galau temen sendiri, karna pada hakikatnya gue yg lebih sering curhat2 ke mereka, sekilas inget sama diri sendiri gitu. Ooh shit! gue pernah gini juga, dan rasanya lucu aja, jijik2 geli gimana gitu. Gue baru tersadar, pada saat gue galau gue ternyata cukup menghabiskan waktu temen2 gue untuk sekedar ngedengerin curhatan gue yg itu2 aja tapi dibahas pagi-siang-sore-malam, yg ga cuma 1x24 jam tapi ribuan x 24 jam. Bukan, bukan gue ngeluh karena temen2 gue pada rame curhat ke gue akhir2 ini, tapi malah sebaliknya, banyak hal yg gue pelajari dari curhatan2 ngenes mereka ini.
Banyaaaakk bgt yg bisa gue ambil hikmahnya, yeah the benefits indeed.

Banyak pelajaran2 yg ga tertulis disana. Membuat gue jadi tau harus gimana kalo menghadapi situasi seperti itu, jadi semacam sharing is caring yah. Gue sok ngeh ama curhatan mereka tapi disisi lain gue take a noted for my own life. Jadi boleh begini kalo ininya begini, gue harus gitu kalo itunya gitu, harus nganu kalo anunya lagi anu. Yah pelajaran lah. Dan sangat membantu!

Tapi hal yg paling malesin adalah ketika gue udah mulai kepancing dan mulai mabok ngasi suggest ke mereka, hey man it so fuckin stupid things that I ever did, saat gue mulai berapi2 ngasi kiat2 jitu lulus ujian nasional pergalauan, tiba2 temen gue dengan santai dan songgongnya nyeletuk

 "yakin lu? lu aja kandas mulu ngurusin percintaan lu!"

Oh men! sakitnya sekujur badan kalo kita lagi seru2nya nanggepin obrolan mereka dan mereka ngebalesnya kek gitu, lu tau rasanya kek air susu dibales dengan air tuba, perih bray. Lah terus apa motif lu curhat ke gue gitu kan. Ternyata usut punya usut, mereka, orang2 yg galau itu, sebenernya really dont give a shit about yer suggestion and wisdom word, they just need a person who hear and (pretend to be) understand their problem, and they think I am the person who never have a serious face, saking ga pernah seriusnya ato karena saking seringnya gue bully kalo lagi curhat kali yah, jadi mereka sesaat lupa ama galaunya, tapi kalo uda ga curhat lg ya galooooooo lagi lahhhh. :))

What the lonely broken-hearted person need absolutely? They just need a crazy warm-hearted listener!
Lu gaperlu ngasi kiat2 apalah itu, ga perlu sok2 bersimpati-ria. Lu cukup dengerin dan.. yang paling penting kalo lo ngadepin temen2 galau lu adalah sekali lagi dengerin aja dan BULLY lah!!!!
Kapan lagi lu bisa tertawa diatas kegalauan temen lu sendiri, mo sok2 ikutan sedih? yg ada malah bikin temen lu ditemukan kaku di selokan depan rumah nya beberapa jam kemudian. 

They just need yer laugh and lil bit yer wisdom. 
We have time to face it seriously and sometime they just need a friend to laugh at their stupidity.
Is it not there is always the rainbow after a storm go? 


Friday 26 September 2014


I found an status update from my friend bbm update
She took an picture of lyric of the song that I really know and changed her status become "Can't wait for my Graduation's day"
It spontaneously throw me back to my graduation's day ~ 20.03.2013
It is so hit my emotional
The song with the greatest lyric meanings
I searched on google then I found the translate one
bahahaha in past I just enjoyed this song without know what the meaning is.
Such kind of resume of life .. 
You can check details below for the translate one! (source by. WIKIPEDIA)

Latin English
Gaudeamus igitur
Juvenes dum sumus.
Post iucundam iuventutem
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus.
Let us rejoice, therefore,
While we are young.
After a pleasant youth
After a troubling old age
The earth will have us.

Ubi sunt qui ante nos
In mundo fuere?
Vadite ad superos
Transite in inferos
Hos si vis videre.
Where are they who, before us,
Were in the world?
Go to the heavens
Cross over into hell
If you wish to see them.

Vita nostra brevis est
Brevi finietur.
Venit mors velociter
Rapit nos atrociter
Nemini parcetur.
Our life is brief
Soon it will end.
Death comes quickly
Snatches us cruelly
To nobody shall it be spared.

Vivat academia!
Vivant professores!
Vivat membrum quodlibet;
Vivant membra quaelibet;
Semper sint in flore.
Long live the academy!
Long live the professors!
Long live each student;
Long live the whole fraternity;
For ever may they flourish!

Vivant omnes virgines
Faciles, formosae.
Vivant et mulieres
Tenerae, amabiles,
Bonae, laboriosae.
Long live all girls,
Easy [and] beautiful!
Long live [mature] women too,
Tender, lovable,
Good, [and] hard-working.

Vivat et res publica
et qui illam regit.
Vivat nostra civitas,
Maecenatum caritas
Quae nos hic protegit.
Long live the state as well
And he who rules it!
Long live our city
[And] the charity of benefactors
Which protects us here!

Pereat tristitia,
Pereant osores.
Pereat diabolus,
Quivis antiburschius
Atque irrisores.
Let sadness perish!
Let haters perish!
Let the devil perish!
And also the opponents of the fraternities
And their mockers, too!

Quis confluxus
hodie Academicorum?
E longinquo convenerunt,
Protinusque successerunt
In commune forum.
What a gathering 
of academics is there today?
From far away they gathered,
Immediately they advanced
Into the public forum

Vivat nostra societas,
Vivant studiosi;
Crescat una veritas
Floreat fraternitas
Patriae prosperitas.
Long live our fellowship,
Long live the students;
May truth alone thrive
May brotherhood flourish
(and) the prosperity of the country.

Alma Mater floreat,
Quae nos educavit;
Caros et commilitones,
Dissitas in regiones
Sparsos, congregavit
May our Alma Mater flourish,
Which teaches us;
Dear ones and comrades,
(and) the scattered into places
Various, she congrgated.

I miss my college-hood 
I miss how we spent our time in the college
I miss all of my college-mate

hahaha maybe today, we already have our own path
We are too busy with our own business
but If ye hear this song once more

I bet ye will remember all our joy and sorrow during 4 years that we spent together 
Ye will remember how we mocked our lecturer
Remember how we depressed by exam and lesson
Remember how being suck spent our time in a bored class
Remember how we fighting for our thesis done
and remember how our parents proud of us in our Graduation's day
Be success guys! become whatever ye want and dont forget for our home

Dedicated for my STIBA-mate
Hildha Itsnata Palevi Mulyono, S. S
Sabrina Dian Utami, S. S
Apfia Diarni, S. S
and all of my classmate '08 of STIBA

Wednesday 10 September 2014


Hae Guys!

Kali ini yg gue post bukan galo2an bukan cinta2an apalagi maen puisi2an
enough for that fuckin'bullshit!
okay Back to the topic :D
Setelah didera hape (android note 1.0 - GT N7000) bootloop selama 2 hari..
uhmm I think it is better if I explain first what is bootloop
BOOTLOOP adalah kondisi dimana android kamu cuma mutar-muter di logo Samsung aja, ditungguin sampe bego dy gabakal masuk first page menu. semacam ga kuat booting. Stuck, kek masalah cinta gue. Setelah iseng searching di Google, the one and only way to get yer androphone back is recover it like a new.
Iyah artinya wipe all data and yer phone gonna be reborn!
Langsung aja untuk kalian yg punya hape senasib dan se-type sama gue langkah2 dibawah ini mujarab dicoba!

  1. IKHLAS! siapkan mental untuk mengikhlaskan semua data di phone kamu bakal kehapus
  2. Pastikan hape kamu dalam keadaan mati, ga perlu dikremasi apalagi dikafanin.
  3. Pencet dan tahan tombol volume up + tombol home + tombol power secara bersamaan, sampe muncul logo Samsung lepas yg tombol power aja. (INGET! yg dilepasin cuma tombol power, tombol volume up sama home jangan! apalagi lepasin pacar yg masi sayang makin jangan!!!!)
  4. Tadaaaaa! ye already into RECOVERY MODE! Pilih opsi wipe data (tombol volume up - down untuk kursor, tombol power untuk select), tunggu hingga proses wipe data selesai.
  5. Pilih opsi wipe cache, tunggu hingga proses wipe cache selesai. (gausa buru2 yg buru2 biasanya ga longlast! believe meh!)
  6. Trus, reboot gadget dengan memilih opsi reboot system now. (jangan salah pilih, biasanya wanita nih yg suka salah pilih)

Simple bukan? simple laaahhhh, kan yg ga simple cuman move on. Duh!
Jadi kamu ga perlu ke Service centre, kecuali niatan kamu disana 'kali2 aja nemu jodoh mbak2 CS'
kalo langkah2 diatas ga mengatasi bootloop hape kamu, maka silahkan google cara lain nya yaaahh..

sekian dari sayahhhhh...

With sophisticated love,


Thursday 14 August 2014

like a cancer

seperti pasien yang divonis mati
yang menyadari kita tidak punya waktu lagi
bagaimana semua keinginan tidak dapat sepenuhnya direalisasikan
saling bunuh dengan harapan dan kenyataan
mungkin kita hanya kambing-hitam dari kenyataan
yang tidak kita munculkan tapi menjadi korban
ingin menyalahkan tapi bukan Tuhan

"andaikan ku dapat mengungkapkan..perasaanku
hingga membuat kau percaya..
Akan kuberikan seutuhnya
 Rasa cintaku selamanya...selamanya... "
- d'cinamons ~ selamanya cinta-

can't stop loving ye 

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Matahari - Sun

ketika para wanita ingin digambarkan bagai rembulan
aku lebih memilih menjadi matahari
jauh dan tak tersentuh
mahadaya tanpa diperdaya

Matahari.. iya Matahari..
bukan Merkurius, bukan Venus, tidak Saturnus, lain Jupiter
bukan tempat yang bisa disinggahi lalu pergi
apalagi sesuatu yang bernama Bumi
tempat yg memberi kehidupan bagi orang lain
tapi tidak pernah merasa ada yg memiliki
bukan itu..
aku lebih ingin menjadi Matahari
dimana tidak ada orang yg bisa datang
bukan tempat yg bisa kau tuju untuk suatu tujuan

Matahari simbol keangkuhan yg aku gilai
karna untuk disakiti aku punya diriku sendiri

Translate into English!

When another women wanna be a moon
I choose to be a sun
Too far and untouchable
Become Great and never be tricked

Sun.. it Sun
Not Merkurius, not Venus, not Saturnus, not Jupiter
Not kind of place that ye can visit and leave
Moreover the place known as Earth
The place that give life to other people
But never felt that there are having

Not it..
I prefer to be a Sun
Where there is no one who can come
Not the place that can ye are going for a purpose
The Sun, a symbol of the pride thing that I crazy of
Because if just to kill me, I have myself

note: ceritanya lagi main puisi2an. tolong dimaklumi!

with brokenhearted